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A believer in striking a balance between creativity, storytelling and achieving results in engagement, Marianne (@marihadalittlesheep) is a creative visionary who has explored a diversity of art forms from visual arts to music, dance and theatre. Her additional skills in art management and digital marketing have also enabled her to take on roles as an art director and curator for both online and offline projects.

Marianne has participated in projects with National Arts Council, Singapore Tourism Board, Land Transport Authority, National Museum of Singapore, as well as corporate clients such as Dairy Farm International, Epson, Shell, and more. She has also spearheaded co
mmunity art and mural initiatives for beneficiaries such as Very Special Arts Singapore.

On the side, Marianne enjoys creating art centering on her family’s heritage and digital artworks for mass audiences. She also has had the privilege to exhibit in museums and public spaces in the local scene.


... and more. | @marihadalittlesheep

© since 2015

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